Red Desert Now!

ottobre 20, 2016

unnamedLinea di Confine

per la Fotografia Contemporanea

L’Ospitale, Rubiera, Reggio Emilia

Saturday 22 October 2016

Opening 6pm 

Red Desert Now!  

30 artists and the heritage of Michelangelo Antonioni

Fabrizio Albertini, Mariano Andreani, Daniele Ansidei, Joachim Brohm, Christoph Brückner, Luca Capuano, Danny Degner / Vera König, Eva Dittrich / Katharina Dubov, Alessandra Dragoni, Johannes Ernst, Marcello Galvani, William Guerrieri, Guido Guidi,  Sophia Kesting, Philip Kurzhals, Dana Lorenz / Jakob Argauer, Allegra Martin, Mako Mizobuchi, Francesco Neri, Andrea Pertoldeo, Sabrina Ragucci/ Giorgio Falco, Alexander Rosenkranz, Valentina Seidel, Franco Vaccari, Anna Voswinckel and Jakob Wierzba

Michelangelo Antonioni is certainly one of the directors most of interest to photographers. With ‘The Red Desert’, 1964, his first colour movie, set in the industrial area of Ravenna, he dealt with themes that were to be of key importance for both American and European photography over the following decades.

The figure of Antonioni, his interest in photography and the influence he had on contemporary visual culture, has been the object of numerous initiatives, including the recent exhibition dedicated to ‘Blow-Up. Antonioni’s classic film and photograhy’, on tour in Europe in 2014 and 2015. A wide-ranging reflection covering American photography of the first half of the 1970s and the cinema of Antonioni, along with that of J. L. Godard, previously consisted in the re-launch and European tour of the renowned exhibition ‘New Topographics’ between 2011 and 2012.

On 22 October, Linea di Confine at the Corte Ospitale in Rubiera, in collaboration with the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst of Leipzig (D) and the Die Photograpische Sammlung / SK Stiftung Kultur  of Cologne (D), presents the work of 30 Italian and German photographers and artists on the themes of the film, offering a comparison which is at the same time artistic and generational.

The presentation of the works, including various videos and audio-visual installations, is the outcome of two years of research during which a group of artists and students from the school in Leipzig stayed in Ravenna, while a group of Italian artists at the Corte Ospitale in Rubiera took part in a series of meetings and encounters on the themes of the film and those artists – both from Italy and other parts of the world – who have been most influenced by the work of the director from Ferrara.

In collaboration with 

Die Photographische Sammlung / SK Stiftung Kultur, Cologne (D), Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst, Leipzig (D), Osservatorio Fotografico di Ravenna, Comune di Rubiera

23th October – 27th November 2016

L’Ospitale, Rubiera, Reggio Emuilia